Young, old, weak, strong it matters not. Ashtanga is a challenging dynamic form of flow yoga. In fact it may well be where all forms of flow yoga originate. Every movement and Asana (posture) is synchronized with the breath. This synchronization of breath and movement is called Vinyasa. And Vinyasa is the foundation of the Ashtanga method. The practitioner begins with the first or primary series (Chikitsa). Asanas are modified to meet the practitioner, whatever level they are at. And so begins a journey of health and wellbeing. Ashtanga can take the practitioner as far as they want to go. For many, this is a way to quiet the mind and heal or maintain the body. For others, this is nothing less than a moving meditation that opens the door to higher mind and deeper levels of consciousness. We invite you to explore this method of yoga.
We invite you to explore with us. Namaste